Drug seized and young man charged following an overdose call on Ramsey Crescent
Posted on Wednesday, June 10, 2020 12:00 PM
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, June 10, 2020 4:13pm
(Ottawa)—Last evening, the Ottawa Police received a call about a man who possibly had an overdose in the 1000 block of Ramsay Crescent.
Frontline officers attended and canvassed the area to locate the victim, and came upon a suspicious vehicle in the area.
Their investigation revealed that one of the occupants was in possession of large quantity of white pills presumed to be Alprazolam (Xanax). The drugs seized are to be submitted to...

DNA order identifies armed robber from 2019
Posted on Tuesday, June 09, 2020 11:30 AM
In March, an Ottawa judge ordered a Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) sample be taken from a man after he was found guilty of robbery.
Special Constable Kevin Fahey from the Ottawa Police Service Court Security Section took the sample and sent it to the RCMP to run through the National DNA Data Bank for matches to other crimes.
The National DNA Data Bank, created in 1998 under the DNA Identification Act and managed by the RCMP, stores DNA profiles of known offenders convicted of designated crimes,...

Suspects to identify in identity theft investigation
Posted on Wednesday, June 03, 2020 09:30 AM
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, June 3, 2020 1:30pm
(Ottawa) — The Ottawa Police Fraud Unit is requesting the public’s assistance to identify two men in relation to an identity theft investigation.
The victim’s name was used to apply for a credit card online. Between April 2 and 5, 2020, two men used the issued card to purchase items in the 500 block of Ogilvie Road and on Du Plateau Boulevard in Gatineau (Québec).
The first suspect is described as dark-skinned man, muscular build,...

Officer rescues dog from hot car
Posted on Friday, May 29, 2020 01:15 PM
A concerned citizen called police after spotting a dog inside a truck in a parking lot on Carling Avenue this past Tuesday afternoon. At the time, the outdoor temperature was 32 degrees Celsius with a humidex of 38 degrees Celsius.
Cst. Lisa Beaucage, an officer with OPS for three years, attended. “The dog was in distress. She was lying on the floor under the passenger seat foot well, panting.”
One window was open about three inches and she noticed an empty water dish.
Cst. Beaucage was able to...

911 call catches car thief in the act
Posted on Thursday, May 28, 2020 09:45 AM
On May 20, a young woman heard noises outside her residence. She looked out the window to find a man in her car. The headlights were on and he was in the driver’s seat. She quickly called 911 and a dispatcher called for police.
When E Platoon officers arrived, they saw the man described by the complainant, in a car wearing a seatbelt and operating the windshield wipers. At first, the man didn’t notice the officers, so they surrounded the vehicle and ordered him to put his hands on the steering...