Wanted person Brendon Spurrell arrested - Arrest Warrant Executed
Posted on Friday, January 17, 2020 02:15 PM
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Friday, January 17, 2020 7:15pm
(Ottawa) — The Ottawa Police Service are advising the public that Brendon Spurrell who has been at large and wanted for sexual offences, threats and assault, has been taken into custody without incident today.
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Media Relations Section
Tel: 613-236-1222, ext. 5366
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Friday, January 17, 2020 2:57pm
(Ottawa) — The Ottawa Police Service is further advising that the...

Welcome to our newest canines, Kika and Nero
Posted on Wednesday, January 15, 2020 05:30 AM
Let’s give a warm belly rub welcoming our newest canines, Kika and Nero, who joined the OPS in December.
Kika (2 yrs) and Nero (1 yr) come to us from eastern Europe from strong blood lines of dogs bred specifically for the type of work they do.
Don’t feel bad for a working canine; their life is a giant game of hide and seek. In what other career do you get to play all… day… long?!
Cst. Stephane Richard, an experienced canine handler, is paired with Kika and Cst. Kris Montgomery, the newest member...

Suspect to identify in Bank Street robbery
Posted on Tuesday, January 14, 2020 10:45 AM
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Tuesday, January 14, 2020 4:00pm
(Ottawa) – The Ottawa Police is asking for the public’s assistance to help identify a suspect for a robbery that occurred on Saturday, November 23, 2019 on Bank Street.
At approximately 9:15 p.m., a male suspect entered a store located in the 700 block of Bank Street; he went to the fragrance area, where he selected a number of fragrances and concealed them in a backpack that he was carrying.
As the suspect attempted to leave the store, a...
New Neighbourhood Resource Teams announced for 2020
Posted on Tuesday, January 14, 2020 04:00 AM
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Tuesday, January 14, 2020 9:06am
(Ottawa) — The Ottawa Police Service (OPS) will launch three new Neighbourhood Resource Teams (NRT) in 2020, Ottawa Police Chief Peter Sloly announced today. Neighbourhood Policing will be the cornerstone of the OPS’ overall community policing strategy. The NRTs will be the central component of OPS’ strategy to increase community based policing, prevent and reduce firearm violence along with other associated violent street crimes in...
Reminder: Important tips to protect your vehicle from car thieves
Posted on Monday, January 13, 2020 09:45 AM
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Monday, January 13, 2020 2:54pm
(Ottawa) – Ottawa Police continue to be concerned with the risk of thefts of high-end Lexus/Toyota vehicles in Ottawa, particularly larger SUVs and 4Runners including the Tacoma.
We remind car owners of the following tips to protect their vehicle:
- Make your vehicle less vulnerable to theft by parking it in a locked garage and or blocking it in tightly with a second vehicle.
- Consider installing an after market anti-theft device.
- Be vigilant...